Smart Extrusion™

AI Powered Revoloution in Food Extrusion
AI platform seamlessly integrating with existing machinery
Real-time, autonomous adjustments of extrusion processes
Gaius AI develops Smart Extrusion™, a cost-efficient and energy-effective solution for food manufacturers that increases production rate, reduces cost, improves the quality, stabilizes production processes and enables the efficient development of novel foods.
Smart Extrusion™ is our revolutionary AI-powered technology. It seamlessly integrates with existing extrusion machinery and provides real-time, autonomous adjustment of extrusion processes. We transform standard extrusion equipment into self-optimizing, smart machines.

The future of extrusion is data-driven and autonomous, and we’re setting a new standard for smart, sustainable food manufacturing.
Increases Profitability
Guaranteed cost reduction and increased machine capacity
Ensures Product Consistency
Assured quality control, stable and consistent output
Ensures Sustainability
Optimal resource utilization and near-zero waste
Imagine a future with decentralized and accessible food manufacturing. Imagine more stable production, with far less ingredients and energy waste. This is the future of AI-enhanced food production delivered through Smart Extrusion™.
We champion autonomous production.

We are the first and only company to have developed an AI platform that innovates throughout the entire extrusion process. The future of manufacturing puts data, and not the extrusion machine, at the center.
For us, data leads the way.

Alois-Steinecker-Straße 24
85354 Freising, Germany
Tarshish Street 19, Northern Industrial Zone,
Caesarea, Israel
The $524B Extrusion plays a crucial role in the food industry, enabling the production of a wide range of food products with specific textures, shapes and mouthfeel. It is extensively used for creating food products such as puffed snacks, breakfast cereals, pasta, plant-based meat alternatives and snack bars. Moreover, it is used for the production of fish and pet foods. The versatility of extrusion AI technology allows for precise control over the cooking process, ingredient composition, and product characteristics, leading to efficient manufacturing and consistent product quality. Gaius AI’s SMART EXTRUSION™ is a gamechanger in several sectors in this massive industry.

Dry Pet Food

Morning Cereals

Meat Substitutes

Puffed Snacks
Simple and Cost-Effective Adoption
Guaranteed cost reduction and increased machine capacity
Compatible with ANY Extrusion Machine
Universal compatibility, no mechanical alterations
Maximizes Operational Efficiency
Drastically reduces machine set up time